4 bubbles, CMYK litho, 129mm x 90mm, 2017
4 views of the salon, CMYK print, 129mm x 90mm, 2013
4 polite notices. green flocking, 129mm x 90mm, 2004
4 directions of travel, Black foil, 129mm x 90mm, 2005
4 machines making product, Padua, Italy, 90mm x 129mm, 2006
4 seasons, CMYK print, white foil, 90mm x 129mm, 2009
4 foliage, 90mm x 129mm CMYK print, 2018
4 yellow stripes, yellow matt foil, 129mm x 90mm, 2003
4 product liquids, CMYK print, UV varnish, 129mm x 90mm, 2002